• 2 min read

Are you the proud owner of a Ducati Scrambler?
Let's see how you can prepare your favourite bike for long rides.
Some wonderful Longride customers shared some photos of their setup for you to be inspired.
We will also comment on the method, and the specific bags they own.

It starts with the Ducati Scrambler Spacers.

You might have noticed that the Ducati Scrambler doesn't offer much in the way of mounting points for luggage. Nothing to support your saddlebags, prevent them from moving around and even touching the wheel.

Ducati Scrambler spacer rails for saddlebags.

Our spacer rails are simple and unobtrusive, yet they are a game changer when it comes to rigging your bike for travelling.
You saddlebags will lean against them and you will be able to attach their backside to this new piece of frame.

Saddlebag on red ducati scrambler.

The spacer rails are being used on all the photos from this post.
However, if you already own another type of luggage frame, it doesn't mean that you need to swap them for our bracket.

The saddlebags are fitted with our LOXX universal mounting system.
What matters is for you to have a frame to support your saddlebags. So chances are, your existing luggage frame will do just fine.

Installing the saddlebags on your Scrambler.

The leather flap from the LOXX system is installed underneath the seat.
You will let the LOXX buttons stick out so that you can attach your saddlebag and let it lean flat against the luggage frame.
Remember to first install your luggage frame, for example our spacers, then install the leather support so you can align it with whichever luggage frame you have previously fitted.

Once the saddlebag falls flat against the frame, you will find a harness at the back of the bag. Simply loop this harness around the frame. This will secure your saddlebag, and prevent it from moving around at speed.

Luggage system for Ducati Scrambler.

The Longride bags featured.

All the photos feature the Mini Patriot, and the Mini Traveler, both in kaki colour.
These bags in this size work particularly well with the Ducati Scrambler.

Travel with Ducati Scrambler.

Supple luggage on Ducati Scrambler.

Travelling with the Ducati Scrambler.

And below is another customer who installed the Mini Patriot on her Ducati Scrambler Icon from 2017. She used the same method as above. Leather support under the seat. Saddlebag against the Longride spacers.

Saddlebag on Ducati Scrambler Icon.

2023 UPDATE.

Introducing the new saddlebag holders for the Ducati Scrambler.

Saddlebag frame for Ducati Scrambler moto.

You can now use any of our mounting systems, including the lightning-quick Sidekick system, which is featured on the photos below. 

Cool saddlebags for Ducati Scrambler moto.

We have re-designed the frame to offer more flexibility in terms of attachment options. You can now also strap your saddlebags onto them, or lock them with the quick-release Sidekick system.

Shot with a pair of Mini Patriot SK in black.

Best saddlebags for Ducati Scrambler.

Below, our customer shows how she installed a set of two Mini Patriot LX on her Ducati Nightshift. LX refers to our quick-release LOXX mounting system. In this particular setup, the saddlebags are supported by our DucatI Scrambler saddlebag frames.

Got some photos? Share your Ducati Scrambler + Longride shots with us!
Please send them to shop@longride.com.
